Covid 19 - Our go to tips for prioritising your state

Now that we are all coming to terms with this altered way of life and we are starting to understand how things may look like for the foreseeable future. It’s vital that we adjust appropriately and adapt where we can rather than to simply submit to the barriers that we are all forced to face. ⁣⁣
I thought I’d jot down some basics standards that I have been giving to clients and members. These are fairly basic non negotiables that will encourage a healthy and happy state. I believe these pointers will help you prioritise your health, fitness and mindset. Do let me know if they’re useful. ⁣⁣
1. Hit 10-12k steps per day. One big walk a day plus making a conscious effort to move throughout the day will achieve this.⁣ Hack: take all your work calls or every time a mate rings make sure you take the call whilst walking. ⁣Do stay within the government regulations though.
2. At least 60 mins of focused exercise every day. No phone, no distractions just your favourite music and your session plan. ⁣⁣

3. 20 pages of reading per day. Can be different books but must be a physical paper book, no screens. ⁣⁣
4. 20 Mins of either breath work or meditation. This can be whatever weird or wonderful form of meditation you fancy. There is no wrong answer. Hack: download the app “state” and have a play. ⁣⁣
5. Add a song to your “Isolation Playlist” every day. Obviously, start with creating the playlist. Then task yourself with adding a song every day. Be brutal, only add what you love. This will help with the desire to train/listen to your mad playlist. ⁣⁣
Very rarely in life are we given an opportunity to be set in one location with lots of bonus time and resources at our fingertips. No ones suggesting you become a monk but we should all be accountable to our individual standards. I think these are good starting points to help prioritise your mental and physical state whilst we adjust to this mad situation we are all in. ⁣⁣

Remember it would be much easier to submit to our obstacles. Don't give in. ⁣
✌ Wes⁣ Santos

Instate Group